How to place an order

Click on the product that you are interested in. If you want to change the quantity, click on +/- button next to the quantity and click "Add to cart" button.

You can also add the product to your bascet by clicking "Buy" without going to product page.

Items you choose will appear in your shopping cart on the right side of the screen. You can close the shopping cart by clicking "x" button and continue your shopping.

You can always check your basket by clicking bascet ikon on the right top of your screen.

You can edit your shopping cart by clicking "checkout" button which will take you to summary.

If you want to remove a product from the shopping cart, click on the bin on the right side of the price. If you want to change the quantity, click on +/- button next to the quantity.

If you have a promo code, click on the “Have a promo code?” button on the right and a box will pop up. Enter your promo code in the box and click “APPLY”. If the code is correct, the price will be reduced. If the price does not change, please check the promotion’s rules and conditions and make sure that it applies  to the items in your cart.

To continue, click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT”.

If you are a registered customer, please sign in. If you are not, you can sign up by clicking on “create an account”. You can also place an order as a guest (without registration) by clicking “Guest checkout” button.

Enter your shipping details by filling in all fields marked with an "*". If you wish to receive a VAT invoice, please enter your NIP number (Tax Identification Number).

At this point you can also create an accout by creating your password.

Accept checkouts and click "send a request" button to continue.

Check your mailbox - you should receive an order confirmation email.

Our export specialist will send you a proforma invoice with shipping cost. The cost of delivery depends on the size, weight and country of destination.

Packages are generally dispatched within 2 days after receipt of payment.